Abbexa Attends Cambridge University Careers Fair

Posted on 2023-10-26

On 19th October 2023, Abbexa had the opportunity to attend the Cambridge University Life Sciences Careers Fair. Team members, Louise and James, attended for two main reasons: to recruit for a digital marketing role, and to raise awareness of the Abbexa brand amongst PhD students and students heading into a career in life sciences research. The event lasted approximately three hours, from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm.

Louise and James said they had a very productive evening. The attendance from interested students was excellent. Both team members greatly enjoyed meeting the students, explaining their job roles, and informing them where Abbexa is headed in the future as a company. Approximately 60% of the students were undergraduates looking for summer internships and placements, while the other 40% were recent graduates and PhD candidates asking about job roles at Abbexa. These more advanced students were very interested in hearing about the kinds of products Abbexa manufactures and the large catalogue of antibodies. James and Louise feel confident that the Abbexa brand will stick with them next time they are in need of reagents or other life science tools.

Abbexa handed out a lot of free merchandise and marketing materials to the visitors. The business cards were very popular, as well as the double-sided informational sheet - both of these items ran out before the end of the fair.

By the end of the day, the team members were both feeling pretty hoarse, but this is a good sign that the table was busy and occupied the whole evening. At next year's fair, Abbexa is expecting an even greater turnout than this year's. The company's goal in the meantime will be to offer more placements, internships, and laboratory roles once the main lab in the UK is complete.