Complaints Policy

At Abbexa we are committed to providing a consistently high quality service. We pride ourselves on working in an open and honest way to make us accountable for our actions and to build trust and respect with all of our customers, partners and members. In order to continue to improve our standards, we ask you to gives us any comments, concerns or complaints you may have about our service.

Informal stage

If you wish to make an informal complaint, then the matter should be raised with a member of our staff with whom you feel comfortable. We hope that complaints can be resolved quickly and informally.

You can also provide Abbexa with feedback on our website and services by completing our customer survey here. Completing this questionnaire will entitle you to a 10% discount off your next order, and allow us to have a record of your feedback and implement any necessary improvements. (Please note: you must register an account with us in order to complete this questionnaire).

However if you do not feel comfortable with this, or if the complaint is of a serious nature, a written complaints procedure can be followed.

Formal stage

If you wish to make a formal complaint, we ask that you put it in writing either in an email ([email protected]) or in a letter addressed as follows:

Abbexa Ltd

181 Cambridge Science Park
Cambridge, CB4 0GJ
United Kingdom

We ask that you include:

  • Name of person(s) concerned
  • The date of the incident
  • A brief description of events
  • Consequences for you
  • Remedial actions sought
  • Supporting evidence

Formal procedure

  1. We will send you a letter or email acknowledging receipt of your complaint within 3 working days of receiving it.
  2. We may confirm what we understand your complaint to be or may require further clarification from yourself, so that we can address the issues satisfactorily.
  3. Within 14 days of acknowledgement of your complaint we will write to you with a response to your complaint, which we hope will resolve the matter. If further information is required or we are likely to exceed the 14 days response period, we will inform you of the status of your complaint and provide you with a revised timescale in which we hope to resolve the matter.

If you wish, you can resolve the complaint informally at any stage of the procedure.


If you are unsatisfied with the way that your complaint has been dealt with, or are unsatisfied with the response, you should inform us within 5 working days of receiving the written outcome. You can write to us again and outline the reasons you were not satisfied with the outcome.

We will then review our decision, then we will let you know he result within 14 days of the end of the review. We will write and confirm our final position on the matter and explain our reasoning.