Recruitment Privacy Notice

Recruitment Privacy Notice

Abbexa is committed to respecting your privacy and ensuring that all sensitive and personal information provided to us is lawfully processed and held in accordance to the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal or sensitive information is deemed to be any information that identifies you as an individual. We will never disclose your personal details to any third parties with the exception of Tribepost if your application was submitted via a job advertising website. We do not take responsibility for your data held by Tribepost or any other job application platforms.

This Privacy Notice is for information only; it is not a contractual agreement.

The information that we collect

We will collect information when you register on our website to apply for a role with us, such as your name, address and contact details. We will also collect any information that is included in your CV, a cover letter and the pre-screening questionnaire that is filled out during the application process. We will also take notes of information given by yourself during any interview carried out, any documentation provided during the process, and any information provided by your nominated referees before we can enter into a contract with you.

How we will use your data

We will primarily use your information to process your application, we will send you updates on your application and any invitations to interviews via email, SMS or phone calls. The data contained in the CV, Cover Letter and questionnaire will be used to select the most qualified candidate for the job role, based on skills, qualifications and general suitability for the role.
Abbexa will not share information with other companies for marketing purposes.

Any hard copies made of CVs or other paperwork will be shredded within 6 months of the vacancy closing date.

Any scans or copies of passports, driver’s license, qualification certificates and any other paperwork provided at the formal interview stage, will be deleted for all unsuccessful candidates within 12 months of the vacancy closing date.

After applying for a job please contact us if you would like us to remove your data from our system or for any other requests.

Access to your information

You have the right to access the information that we hold about you and to request a copy. If you would like a copy of the information we hold about you, please see our contact us page for details for how to get in touch. You also have the right to ask us to correct or remove information you believe to be incorrect. We always want to make sure the information we have is up to date and accurate.

Your information will be shared internally for the purposes of the recruitment process. This includes members of the HR and recruitment team, interviewers involved in the recruitment process, managers in the business area with a vacancy and IT staff if access to the data is necessary for the performance of their roles.

Data Retention Policy

Under our Data Retention Policy we hold your details and CV, along with any interview notes, on our secure ATS (Applicant Tracking system) for a maximum of 10 years. This is so we may contact you should a role we feel is suitable for you becomes available at Abbexa. And to ensure we have the data required to defend ourselves, should a recruitment discrimination case be brought against us. We will not share your data with other companies for recruitment or marketing purposes. Within these 10 years applicants may contact us to request for their personal information to be removed.

Data Security

At Abbexa we take the security of personal information seriously. We limit the access to your information to those employees directly involved in the recruitment process, and our IT team who ensure the data is secure in our ATS.

All data is stored on servers in the UK.

We have procedures in place to deal with any suspected breach of data security and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

We employ state-of-the-art data encryption to ensure safe and secure transactions on our site. Secure Sockets Layer, SSL, is the security technology for encrypting a link between a web server and a browser. All data passed between our web server and your browser remains private and secure.

Our SSL certificates are issued by a leading certificate authority, Comodo CA. Comodo High Assurance certificates enable a high level of encryption. They also confirm that a company is a legally accountable organization. To receive a High Assurance SSL Certificate from Comodo, we had to demonstrate to them that we are an existing business, along with our control over the domain you are visiting.

We will not be held responsible for any breach of security unless this is due to our negligence.

Our Contact Details

Requests for information about our privacy statement can be sent through our contact form. If you prefer to write to us, our address can be found on our contact page.